Projects We Have Supported

Projects We Have Supported

Take a look at the projects we have supported so far through the Mend the Gap funding.

So far Mend the Gap has supported a variety of projects, from the creation of an otter holt and a community garden, to helping local businesses improve their visitor experiences as well as the start up of a new environmental group. Find out more about the enhancement projects we have supported here.

Please note that our small grants programme is now closed. Please talk to us if you are a landowner or community with a landscape enhancement idea, particularly focused on wetland, chalk or arable habitat.


South Stoke Meadows

Mend the Gap is pleased to be able to contribute to the legal fees of the South Stoke Parish Council in connection with the preparation of a lease for the site on which a future environmental improvement project will take place.

National Trust Chalk Grassland Restoration

This project in Streatley will see the enhancement of over 8 hectares of chalk grassland.

River Pang Realignment Project

Mend the Gap has funded the licences and permissions phase of the Pang chalk stream restoration and resilience project.

Sulham Woodmeadows

Mend the Gap has funded the creation of two hectares of wetland as part of the Sulham Woodmeadows project

Berks, Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust Local Wildlife Sites

This project enables Berks, Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust (BBOWT) to support landowners from Wallingford to Purley along the River Thames to make space for Nature Recovery

Rectory Farm chalk grassland restoration trial

This project in Streatley will introduce native wild flowers to around 86 hectares of grassland.

Ridgeway National Trail Interpretation Board – Streatley Warren

Mend the Gap has funded access improvements at Streatley Warren on the Ridgeway National Trail

Access improvements at Withymead Nature Reserve

Mend the Gap has funded access improvements at Withymead Nature Reserve.

Cholsey citizen science and art

Cholsey Parish Council has successfully applied for funding for a participatory science and public artwork project.

Ecological surveys and scoping work for Pangbourne Meadows

Supporting the creation of a management plan for Pangbourne Meadows

Accessibility audit of local routes

Understanding the potential barriers to people accessing the landscape

Pangbourne water quality testing

River water quality testing at a number of locations near Pangbourne.

Orientation map for Goring and Streatley

Mend the Gap is supporting MIGGS in installing an accessible orientation plaque.

Streatley pedestrian route

Mend the Gap has funded the improvement of a pedestrian route at Streatley

TVERC species analysis and mapping

Mend the Gap is funding a species record analysis and mapping project for the programme area.

South Chilterns farmers and landowners event

Mend the Gap has hosted an event for farmers and landowners in the south Chilterns.

Connecting communities with nature: new report published

Mend the Gap has supported an audit of how local communities engage with their landscape and environment.

Schools landscape literacy project

Mend the Gap is supporting schools in the area to engage with the local landscape.

South Stoke – The Park

Mend the Gap has supported South Stoke Parish Council to landscape an area of ground as a park for the whole community

Goring Gap Environmental Organisation (GGEO)

The Goring Gap Environmental Organisation (GGEO) is a new biodiversity-focused organisation.

Experiential Tourism Training

The term ‘experiential tourism’ can mean different things to different people but in essence, it refers to tourism experiences that...

Copyhold Farm

Mend the Gap supported Copyhold Farm in Goring Heath to establish a wildlife pond and help enable effective management of the woodland.

Hardwick Road Verge Restoration

Mend the Gap is supporting Whitchurch on Thames Parish Council and Whitchurch Habitat Group to restore Hardwick Road verge.

Hampstead Norreys Community Wetland Project

Mend the Gap is supporting the Hampstead Norreys Community Wetland Project.

Cleeve Water Meadow

Mend the Gap has supported Cleeve Water Meadow in Streatley with access improvements.

Hardwick Estate – deer larder

Mend the Gap is supporting Hardwick Estate with their feasibility study for a deer larder. 

Otter Holt – GG Wildlife experiences

Mend the Gap is supporting GG Wildlife Experiences to create an Otter Holt in Lower Basildon.

Streatley Youth Hostel

Mend the Gap was one of a number of organisations to support the Vision for the future of Streatley Youth Hostel.

Earth Trust: Growing Places

Growing Places was a Mend the Gap funded pilot project, run by Earth trust in partnership with Aspire, Oxfordshire.

Chilterns ANOB
Chilterns ANOB

Enhancement Projects

Mend the Gap has £3,000,000 for Enhancement Projects within the programme area.
Chilterns ANOB

Mitigation Projects

There is £750,000 ringfenced for Mitigation Projects within the programme area.
Chilterns ANOB
Chilterns ANOB

Our partners: Chilterns

The Chilterns is a landscape of remarkable beauty and character that possesses unique geological, ecological and cultural heritage features.
Chilterns ANOB

Our partners: North Wessex Downs

The North Wessex Downs is a designated protected landscape covering an area of 668 square miles (1,730 square kilometres).
Chilterns ANOB