Mend the Gap

The Mend the Gap programme is enhancing the Chilterns and North Wessex Downs National Landscapes that have been negatively impacted by the electrification of the Great Western Railway mainline around the Goring Gap.


So far we have:

  • planted nearly 2,000m of native hedging and trees
  • supported more than 20 local enhancement projects

To continue this work we need to make contact with landowners and communities in the programme area. We are particularly seeking to identify and support nature recovery projects for wetland, chalk or arable habitats that will enhance and enrich the outstanding landscape that links the Chilterns and North Wessex Downs for wildlife, residents and visitors.

Access Consultation with Kieran Foster 

One of the key visions of the Mend the Gap programme is that the outstanding landscape that links the Chilterns and the North Wessex Downs will be enhanced and enriched for wildlife, residents and visitors.

To this end we are currently carrying out some consultation and survey work, in conjunction with a countryside access consultant Kieran Foster, to explore opportunities to enhance and improve public access in the Pangbourne, Goring and Cholsey area. We will be looking at making locations more accessible for elderly and disabled residents and visitors. This web-link will take take you to more details of the consultation, including a link to a questionnaire, on local access opportunities and potential improvements. Please complete the consultation and please forward it to any individuals who you think may have a particular interest in the contents.

Chilterns ANOB

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Chilterns ANOB

Where does the programme operate?

The programme area covers the railway corridor along a 20km stretch of line between the outskirts of Reading and Didcot and 3km either side of the line.

Chilterns ANOB
Chilterns ANOB

Our partners: Chilterns

The Chilterns is a landscape of remarkable beauty and character that possesses unique geological, ecological and cultural heritage features.
Chilterns ANOB

Our partners: North Wessex Downs

The North Wessex Downs is a designated protected landscape covering an area of 668 square miles (1,730 square kilometres).