Enhancement Projects

Enhancement Projects

Mend the Gap is funding projects that enrich and enhance the landscape

Our Enhancement Projects

The programme has now supported over 20 enhancement projects, both large and small, that are contributing to:

  • Conserving, maintaining and enhancing the protected landscapes
  • Benefiting local biodiversity and nature recovery
  • Encouraging understanding and appreciation of heritage and the distinctive historic environment
  • Creating inclusive opportunities for communities to better understand, enjoy and appreciate the programme area

Is Mend the Gap a grant scheme?

Mend the Gap runs in two strands:

  • We want to talk to landowners and communities about landscape enhancement projects (large and small) that we could help support, particularly those focused on wetland, chalk and arable habitats
  • We have £750,000 ear marked for mitigation tree and hedge planting and need to talk specifically to those landowners impacted by the visual impact of the railway gantries.

We want to hear from anyone who is interested in talking to us about these strands of work. Please email the programme team on mendthegap@chilterns.org.uk 

Do you have an idea that would:

• Benefit people that live in or use the programme area?
• Support nature restoration in the programme area?
• Does it have any necessary permissions already in place (if applicable, eg planning)?

If so, read our Enhancement Project Funding Criteria and email the programme team on mendthegap@chilterns.org.uk

Chilterns ANOB

What will we fund?

The types of projects that may be supported through the scheme include those that bring about benefits for:

  • Landscape
  • Nature and biodiversity
  • Access, engagement and understanding
  • Heritage
  • Sustainable tourism & the local economy

In addition, projects should contribute towards the Mend the Gap vision:

“The outstanding landscape that links the Chilterns and the North Wessex Downs will be enhanced and enriched for wildlife, residents and visitors, helping to heal and soften the scars left by electrification of the  Great Western main line.”

and should be aligned with one or both of the statutory purposes of the National Landscapess:

  • To conserve and enhance the natural beauty of the National Landscapes.
  • To increase the understanding and enjoyment by the public of the special qualities of the National Landscapes

Criteria for Enhancement Projects
Chilterns ANOB

Projects we have supported

So far Mend the Gap has supported a variety of projects, from the creation of an otter holt and a community garden, to helping local businesses improve their visitor experiences as well as the start up of a new environmental group. Find out more about the enhancement projects we have supported here.

We invite landowners and communities to talk to us about potential landscape enhancement projects, particularly those focused around wetland, chalk and arable habitats.