Berks, Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust Local Wildlife Sites
This project will enable landowners to access Berks, Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust (BBOWT) support to help with the management of Local Wildlife Sites in the Mend the Gap area.
The Mend the Gap programme has agreed to allocate BBOWT up to £280,000 of programme funds towards a series of works that will enhance the area along the Thames between Wallingford and Purley. This includes:
- The appointment of a Local Wildlife Sites Project Officer for the Mend the Gap programme area, particularly the area that follows the Thames Valley through the Goring Gap.
- Establishing and sharing a consistent methodology for surveying the Desmoulin whorl snail along the Thames Valley between Wallingford and Purley, with a legacy of baseline data on this species
- Surveys for Desmoulins whorl snail on at least two sites between Cholsey and Purley, as well as on the Cholsey Marsh nature reserve
- Peer-to-peer training to increase the number of recorders able to use this methodology
- A minimum of four Local Wildlife Sites left with new management plans in the Mend the Gap area
- Organising networking and advice sessions, working with landowners to help them access funding pots to help with nature recovery works on private land. This will be focused on landowners along the River Thames between Cholsey and Purley and not exclusively to the Local Wildlife Site owners
- Working with the Mend the Gap programme, Parish Councils, and local volunteer interest groups to establish routine monitoring activities and a better understanding of the special nature of the area. Sharing and celebrating the results, through regular communications.
On the Cholsey Marshes nature reserve this project will see:
- Hydrology and feasibility work to inform future capital works
- Surveys for Desmoulins whorl snail
- Capital works will include fencing and access works; specific works will depend on the above studies and surveys
For more information on this project please email Mend the Gap on mendthegap@chilterns.org.uk